Olio extra-vergine di oliva

Adopt an olive tree

Our farm is made up of 30 hectares of land but has only a small amount of olive trees which we personally follow. Our choice to have only 100 plants is due to the great work that every olive tree needs. Every year it must be cleaned manually by the suckers (small branches) that sprout, it must be pruned, the soil must be kept clean, then obviously the harvesting job with pickers and immediately the cold pressing. This continuous work has led us to have a small production of oil that focuses on quality rather than quantity.
The oil we produce ends up directly on our table but we have enough of it to allow anyone who wants to adopt a plant and receive its fruits.
A small wooden plaque (handmade by us) with the name of someone special to remember or celebrate will be placed on the adopted tree.

Small 5 liters of oil
Medium 10 liters of oil
Large 20 liters of oil

It will be possible to choose the tree to be adopted, follow it live or receive continuous updates on its status and work in progress. For those who want, they can come and see their tree live and also get a 10% discount on their stay at Cascina Cliternia. The oil that will be delivered only from November onwards, can be picked up directly in the Cascina or, with a cost contribution, sent directly to your home.
For more information contact us by email at cascinacliternia@gmail.com

Some more information about our oil:
On our farm we have 100 olive trees, and many of these are part of our driveway. The bigger ones were planted in the 60s at the time of grandmother Assunta while another row in 2004 thanks to Franco and Fabrizia, Fabio's parents.
Of the various cultivars present, most belong to the "coratina".

Do you know what are the characteristics that make an extra virgin olive oil?
First of all it must have a low acidity index <0.8, it must be free from defects and the taste must be bitter and spicy.
Oil is a product that does not contain preservatives and does not undergo any transformation process except that of pressing the olives. For the pressing of the olives we choose only the latest generation continuous cycle mills and not traditional ones with stone wheels and presses with fiscoli. Although tradition may represent a link with the past in the case of oil, traditional pressing, very slow and tiring, can alter the characteristics of the oil and is gradually being abandoned.

Fabio for several years has been passionate about the knowledge of the E.V.O. (extra virgin olive oil) by attending several courses to become a 1st and 2nd level taster and learning about best practices for cultivation, harvesting and production. It is he himself who performs all the tree works, loving and caring for them as if they were his children.

The 2020 olive harvest

Our olive trees

Fabio +39 347 8476145  •  Silvia +39 347 3180642



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Da sapere

La struttura dista 1 km dal centro abitato più vicino
Non possiamo ospitare animali per via dei nostri numerosi gatti
Gli spazi sono ampi e comodi per portatori di handicap


Cascina Cliternia - Campomarino (CB)Cascina Cliternia, c.da Zezza, Nuova Cliternia, Campomarino (CB)
tel +39 347 8476145 - email cascinacliternia@gmail.com - C.F. RBRSLV78H59E456F


   studiato e realizzato con cura da Kaleido11